Wednesday, November 30, 2011



!! written by Kathy Todd

!!Recognize: to accept or be aware of; to make formal acknowledgement of; to percieve as existing or true

!!Mad: angry; greatly provoked or irritated
            wildly enthusiastic about or fond of


!! Here in this writing I am writing from a recent personal experience that God has prompted me to share. I'm talking about distractions and discouragements in our lives.  Notice in the title I used the word MAD twice. First we must recognize in our lives what is making us M.A.D. -- which stands for MOST ANNOYING DISTRACTIONS and MOST ANNOYING DISCOURAGEMENTS. We must recognize these things in our lives.  Sometimes our discouragements and distractions can take such a toll on our spirit and mind that we want to just give up or quit. We may ask ourselves Is it even worth the effort? -- The answer to that question is YES!  One thing that is biblically true is the more you pursue and seek God, the harder Satan will fight back. Satan wants us to woller around in our discouragements and will also use things or people in our own lives to send distractions!  By recent personal experience, when I am home alone, I find it much easier to get into the Bible, pray and praise and worship without the distractions of the TV, radios, toys banging etc.... you get the picture ... NOISE!  Don't get me wrong, I love when my family is home with me :o) I miss them when they are not home. The point I am trying to get across is when the times come when I am not alone, I get distracted from my regular, daily routine of spending time with God.  We have to RECOGNIZE what is distracting us and make every effort to remedy the situation where we can still find our time with God.  I think personally, I have to find a place in my home to be alone even when everyone is with me.  This is true with everyone!! We must recognize what is distracting us from spending time with God and doing what God has called us to do. The second concept that we must recognize is what is in our lives that is sending discouragement into our life!  Discouragement is such a strong power that Satan uses in our lives to distract us from spending time with God.  My recent personal experience with discouragement is the pain and tiredness that I get when fibro-flares come into my body. (Fibromyalgia -- my personal testimony http://lighthouse-in-a-dark-world.blogspot.com/2011/09/why-wont-you-get-this-off-me-living.html )  For about 2 months now, I haven't had a fibro-flare that was too bad until Friday, 11/18 and when this one hit me it discouraged me.  It has intensified since then and I get to the point some days that I just really don't want to do anything.  Satan, I know, loves seeing this!  But you know what? I have become M.A.D. enough to fight back.  Even though the pain is there, I'm going to keep moving and coming to the place and time when I will have that divine encounter with the Holy Spirit when this will be off of me!  When I will be healed! Once I start to woller around in the pain, then Satan moves in for the kill.  Please don't let this happen to you!  Whatever your discouragement or distraction is, get M.A.D. enough and fight back.  Don't let Satan push you around or push you down no longer.  Many of us have been called by God to work in his kingdom and our own local churches.  Get M.A.D. .... get angry at Satan and command him to get off you and leave you alone in Jesus Name!!  And then keep moving and keep coming to the place where you will have your divine encounter with the Holy Spirit!! But know this, the harder you fight Satan, that harder he will fight back. Especially if you know for sure in your heart that he has to fear your high calling from God!!

!! The second M.A.D. in the title stands for MOST ANNOINTED DISCIPLE!  Once we become M.A.D. enough at all the distractions and discouragements that we create on our own and the ones that come from Satan, we need to become M.A.D. again!! But this concept is way different. This is one of that comes with enthusiasm and excitement that only comes from spending time with God on a daily basis and doing what God has called us to do in his kingdom and in our local churches.  We can't be a M.A.D -- a Most Annointed Disciple if we are wollering around in our distractions and discouragements.  If you know where these things are coming from, fix it! And if you know without a shadow of a doubt that Satan has his deceitful eyes and slimy grip on you, then rebuke him off of you in Jesus Name!!  And keep moving and coming to the place of divine encounter and divine revelation!!  We owe this to our world we live in.  If no MOST ANNOINTED DISCIPLE tells the lost how to be found, saved and live for Jesus, how will they ever know? How will they ever be saved? How will they know how to live a true, converted life for Jesus Christ? It is time to RECOGNIZE  WHAT IS M.A.D. IN YOUR LIFE TO BE M.A.D. and to keep moving and keep coming to your place of divine encounter with the Holy Spirit!!  There you will receive the power needed to be M.A.D. -- A MOST ANNOINTED DISCIPLE for Jesus Christ!!

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